Module 7: Expressions of Power

Download: Module 7 Expressions of Power –Facilitator Guide

Please take our SQUINCH survey after you use this module:


Learn about four expressions of power

Discuss power-over vs. power with

Explore the connection between power-within and power-to

In this Video:

Video clip of Racquel Willis’ 2020 speech. 

Explanation and examples of expressions of power



Power to (self-empowerment)

Power-within (self-acceptance)

Discussion questions

During the meeting 

  1. Watch the video and discuss four expressions of power.
    1. Power-over
    2. Power-with 
    3. Power to (self empowerment)
    4. Power-within (self-acceptance)


2. Ask the group one or more of the following questions:

Describe a moment in your life when you have felt power within (aka self-acceptance)? 

Describe a moment in your life you felt power to (aka empowered to act)? 

How do we impact one another’s power to/power within?  

How can romantic relationships become vehicles for power over also?

What are other examples where a person holds power over another?

Follow up: How does this person maintain that power?


3. Ask club members to take out their phones and fill out our survey about the module.


Here is the SQUINCH playlist in order:

If you are looking for information about starting or supporting a GSA, contact New Mexico GSA Network.

We warmly appreciate the GSA youth advisors for providing feedback and direction for the development of this curriculum.